Rita Wezenbeek

Director for Platforms, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology at the European Commission
Rita Wezenbeek is Director for Platforms at the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG Connect) at the European Commission. She joined the European Commission in 2002 and has been working in DG Connect since December 2020, during the first two years as Director for Connectivity. As Director for Platforms, Rita is responsible for the oversight of the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act (for which the oversight is shared between DG Connect and DG Competition). Before joining DG Connect, Rita was the head of the units dealing with Antitrust and Telecommunications (2017-2020) and Retail Financial Services and Payment Systems (2010-2017) in DG Competition. Before joining the Commission, she worked for sixteen years as a private practitioner specialised in European and corporate law at a European law firm. She was also a member of the Commission on European Integration, an independent advisory body on foreign policy to the Dutch government and Parliament.
Speaker Schedule
Saturday, March 25 2023
at the Harvard Kennedy School of GovernmentThe Digital Services Act: Regulating Speech in Times of Disinformation and Platform Power Jacob Mchangama , Jan HavlĂk , Joe Shear , Rita Wezenbeek Moderated by Jordi Calvet-Bademunt