William Valasidis

Judge at the General Court of the European Union
Born in 1971 in Thessaloniki (Greece), Mr William Valasidis obtained a law degree in 1993 at l’Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and supplemented his studies with a master’s degree in law from Harvard Law School (faculty of law at Harvard, United States) in 1996. From 1993 to 1995, he trained as a lawyer in the context of examinations for admission to the legal profession. Admitted to the Thessaloniki Bar in 1996, Mr Valasidis then practised in law firms in Mexico and in the United States. In 1998 he entered into the service of the Court of Justice of the European Union for the first time, as a Legal Secretary in the chambers of Judge Krateros Ioannou. He then performed his duties with Judge Vassilios Skouris, who became President of the Court in 2003 and with whom he worked for fifteen years, from 1999 to 2014. In 2014, he was appointed Director of the Protocol and Information Directorate at the Court, then Director of Communications, which duties he performed until 2022. An author of legal publications and of editorial works, he also attaches very great importance to the teaching of European Union legal practice, being actively involved in the organisation and running of the European Law Moot Court Competition, as a panel member from 2004 to 2005, then as member and Vice-President of the European Law Moot Court Society from 2006 to 2022. He also participates regularly in national and international conferences. Mr Valasidis was appointed a Judge at the General Court on 15 September 2022.
Speaker Schedule
Friday, March 24th, 2023
at the Harvard Law School (HLS) and Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS)70 years later: the Court of Justice of the EU as Guardian of the Rule of Law William Valasidis , Vlad Perju Moderated by William Phelan