Manuel Oesterschlink

Head of CEO Office and Institutional Relations at Arianespace
Manuel Oesterschlink is Arianespace’s Head of CEO Office and Institutional Relations. He joined Arianespace in 2021. Previously, Manuel was Sales Manager for Civil Programmes at ArianeGroup, working on launch service development offers and contracts. Earlier, he worked from 2016 to 2017 for Zodiac Seats UK (now Safran Seats) as Sales Director offering First Class and Business Class seating solutions to airlines around the globe. Manuel started his career at Airbus Helicopters, where he worked from 2008 to 2016 in various commercial positions. In particular, he was named Sales Manager for Governmental Sales in Central Asia from 2012 to 2016. He holds a degree in European Management Studies from the University of Aberdeen
Speaker Schedule
Saturday, March 25 2023
at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government
4:45pm - 5:45pm
The Final Frontier: Future of Space Policy in Europe and Beyond Manuel Oesterschlink , Sylvie Espinasse Moderated by Alessandro Paravano
The Final Frontier: Future of Space Policy in Europe and Beyond Manuel Oesterschlink , Sylvie Espinasse Moderated by Alessandro Paravano
Starr Auditorium (HKS)